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RC100 Room sensor emulation


H66 can emulate an installed IVT RC100/CR10 room controller (pictured below) for heating circuit one.

This can be used to forward any Room temp from a sensor in your home automation to the pump controller. It saves some money and install hazzle not having to buy a sensor and you can manage the temp level as you like. Note that you have to build this forwarding automation yourself. Husdata has no instructions for that currently.

RC100 / CR10

The solution is in “beta” stage but has been tested on Rego 2000 controller and will probably work for later versions as well. Please provide feedback.

How it works.
When enabled, H66 will send temperature to the Rego every 15:th second. If you change sensor-temperature via the H66 Web interface, MQTT or API, it will be sent to the Rego as new current indoor temperature.

Please note that:
At H66 boot up, the temp will default to 20c until updated from your automation or in web interface.

If the Rego controller is not getting any RC100 update for about 1 mniute it will show an alarm and after 3 minutes it will show — in the display. The alarm is for Info only and will not stop pump operations. The alarm will clear when communications is up again. So it is important to keep H66 operational to avoid alarms.

You should not have both an RC100 room controller installed in parallel with the enabed H66 emulation. They will both send updates and conflict.

This RC100 emulation is only for heat circuit 1 (ONE), not 2 or 3. However you can have an RC100 in use for circuit 2 or 3 the same time as H66 is enabled for circuit 1.

How to set it up.

To enable, set “ROOM CTRL” setting to 1 in H66 config.  Restart H66.

At the pump display, enter Service menu and select Heating/Cooling. Select heating circuit 1. Change controller to RC100 or CR10.

Now you are done and the temp 20.00c should be seen in the display after max 30 seconds. You can test to change the 02F1 setting from H66 web interface to verify that display changes on pump (takes up to 30 seconds). 

If you want to revert this and go back to not using room sensor you must go into the same service menu and set controller back to previous setting. You mau have to restart heat pump after that.

Lastly you can now start building you automation from Home Assistant or other solution.
Note that if you use Rest API you must supply the temperature times 10. So if you want to set 22 degrees, send 220. This is not applying to MQTT.

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