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  4. Settings explanation

Settings explanation

SettingDescriptionDefault value
NAMEThe name of your device. For example “My Thermia”. Visible when accessing web interface.Husdata H66
WIFI_SSIDYour home router network key. Case sensitive. Must be filled in.<blank>
WIFI_PASSYour home router password. Case sensitive. Must be filled in.<blank>
WIFI_MODE (H66)Set Access Point mode only to avoid H66 to connect to WIFI router.NORMAL
EMAIL Enter your email address, so that so that H66 can email information and alerts. Set blank if you dont want to get any notification mails.YourName@gmail.com
INT_TYPE (H66)Manually set connected Interface. Normally automatic sensing.Auto
DHCP_ENABSet to 0 to use fixed IP Address instead of automatic DHCP address.1
FIXED_IPOnly used if DHCP_ENAB is set to 0. The IP of H60.
FIXED_SUB Only used if DHCP_ENAB is set to 0. The fixed subnet mask
FIXED_GW Only used if DHCP_ENAB is set to 0. Fixed gateway IP
FIXED_DNS Only used if DHCP_ENAB is set to 0. Fixed DNS server IP85.11.1.111
NTP_SERVER Enter NTP time server other than default if needed. pool.ntp.org
HD_ONLINE Enable or disable communication towards the Husdata online system.0
TIME ZONESet your timezone regionSE-NO-DK
WEB_PASSPassword for the H66 web pages. Leave blank to disable password access.<blank>
WEB_PORTChange the port for the H66 web server. Set to 0 to disable web interface.80
MQTT_PORTSet the port for the MQTT broker which usually is 1883. Set to 0 to disble MQTT.0
MQTT_SRVREnter the MQTT broker web or IP address where H66 should connect homeassistant
MQTT_USERThe username to login to broker <blank>
MQTT_PASSThe password to login to broker<blank>
MQTT_SUBSIf set to 1, the H60 will SUBscribe to changes made in the heat pump. For ex. Indoor temp.0
MQTT_PUBALLTime in minutes betwwen re-publish all data. 0=Off, only publish when value change.20
MQTT_DISCOVEnable publication of all registers used by Home Assistant for auto discovery. 0=off, 1=On, 2=On persistent.0
MQTT_PREFIXSet text to show before the value in Home Assistant for Discovery. For example “HP_”.<blank>
MQTT_NAME (H66)Device categorization for Home AssistantHP
REM_SUPPORTEnter a number agreed with Husdata to open up for remote assistant of your H60.<blank>
DAILY_RESETSet to 1 to restart H66 every night. Not needed but provides extra security if H60 is in an unreachable location.
API_ENABLEDEnable the REST/Json API interface 0=off, 1=Read only, 2=Read/Write0
MODBUS_PORTEnter the port where the Modbus TCP Client connects. Set to 0 to disable. 502 is the standard port.0
WH_URL (H66)URL to Webhook service. Example: http://maker.ifttt.com…<blank>
WH_DATA (H66)The IDX’s to be posted to Webhook service. Separate multiple IDX’s with comma. Format xxxx,yyyy. For example 0001&2201.<blank>
SKIN (H66)Select colour scheme off web interface.GREY
EXP_PORT (H66)Enable H66 Expansion port for serial Modbus RTU usageOFF
SCHEDULER (H66)Enable the scheduler, set it up using link in bottom of page.0
NOTIFIER (H66)Enable H66 to send Email messages on set thresholds0
ROOM_CTRL (H66)Enable room controller emulation for Rego 1000, Rego 2-3000 and NIBE EB100 .0
SYSLOG_IP(H66)Debug log text is sent to the specified IP of your Syslog server on port UDP 514

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